
Aromatherapy Massage

60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

Aromatherapy massage involves the use of pure essential oils (fragrant plant extracts). Individual blends are prepared in a base of cold pressed oil and then applied to the patient's skin through a relaxing massage. As a holistic treatment, aromatherapy can have a profound effect on physical and psychological wellbeing. There exists the belief that scent, as the most enduring of our senses, has the power to transform our emotions, and heal our bodies

Hot Stone Massage

60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

We use a smooth volcanic rock that absorbs and retains heat well. The heat is both deeply relaxing and helps tight muscles release. An authentic hot stone massage is not simply the "gliding" of heated stones lightly upon the surface of the skin, but rather the stones are used as tools to deliver effective tissue and muscle massage at a pressure level comfortable to the client.

Deep Tissue Massage

60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

Many clients embrace a certain amount of deeper work as a part of their regular session and consider it therapeutic and necessary. Soreness may occur in the 24-48 hours following the treatment, and plenty of water should be ingested to aid with the flushing and removal of toxins that will have been released from the deep tissue during the session.

Pregnancy Massage

60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

Pregnancy is a time in which a woman's body endures tremendous stress due to dramatic physical, mental, and emotional changes. Pregnancy Massage helps alleviate discomforts experienced throughout the pregnancy. The benefits are profound, including emotional support, the reduction of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, improved breathing and relaxation, and relief from uncomfortable digestive issues. A side-lying position can be effective in inducing a state of relaxation during the session, especially if you are a side-sleeper. Deeper work on certain stressed areas can be performed even to the end of the third trimester. On a case by case basis, massage may be used in the first trimester as an effective mode of stress reduction and pain relief.


60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

Reflexology is a holistic treatment based on the principle that there are areas and points on the feet, hands, and ears that map via the nervous system to corresponding parts of the body when pressure is applied to these areas and points it stimulates the movement of energy along the nerve channels, and helps to restore homeostasis (balance) in the whole body. Reflexology increases circulation, and with the increase in blood flow, comes a decrease in inflammation and pain, a decrease in anxiety, and improvement in your body's gland and organ functions.

Orthopedic Massage

60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

Orthopedic Massage is a multidisciplinary approach to relieving muscular and soft tissue pain, dysfunction, and injuries. It is also utilized to help clients regain and improve their health and fitness. A multidisciplinary approach is far more powerful than one technique or form of treatment. Orthopedic Massage restores the body’s structural balance, significantly reduces acute soft tissue pain, and improves flexibility.

Raindrop Therapy

60 min - $170 | 90 min - $220

Raindrop Therapy uses a layering process of seven (7) different therapeutic/medicinal grade essential oils applied to the feet and spine. The combination of these oils, and the application of moist warm towels to the spine and back, allows the oils to penetrate your body rapidly and begin their therapeutic process on a cellular level. Raindrop Therapy has been known to increase the immune system, relieve back issues and to create balance and harmony in the body – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Raindrop Therapy focuses the healing essence of the essential oils directly to the spinal column where it is believed that viruses and bacteria lie dormant until the immune system weakens. The oils create an environment that is not hospitable to these “foreign” agents in our bodies and causes them to be eliminated naturally. Raindrop Therapy is also a very effective detoxification and can assist you in eliminating symptoms associated with cold and flu, Herpes, Shingles, MRSA and a variety of other common conditions. Raindrop is a very gentle therapy and offers you the opportunity to completely relax while improving your overall wellbeing on all levels.

Lymphatic Massage Therapy (LMT)

60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

The lymph system is the waste removal and immune system of the body. By increasing the lymph drainage immunity is enhanced and the body detoxed. Combining LMT with Chinese Jade Roller is a very effective modality for boosting immunity, speeding recovery and much more. It even will improve your complexion and reduce wrinkles. It is a very light, superficial, repetitive technique meant to encourage the movement of lymph fluid and not engage the underlying muscle tissue. LMT as a detox therapy increases the flow of lymphatic fluid and encourages the elimination of metabolic and environmental toxins from the body through waste elimination. LMT is done as a full body therapy, from the head down, or as a head and neck therapy to release fluids from the sinuses and head into the circulatory system. LMT as a wellness therapy is usually used after the loss of lymph nodes due to surgery, injury, or radiation. This therapy redirects lymph away from the affected node area to an unaffected area of the body. It is used to encourage excess fluids out of the affected limb and back into the circulatory system for elimination. Reccomended for every change of season to improve body detox.

Swedish Massage

60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

A very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. We combine rolling, kneading, and percussion strokes to help the body increase circulation which can also improve immune system functioning. This bodywork relieves muscle aches, decreases stress levels, enhances mental clarity, improves appearance and increases flexibility. Swedish Massage helps remove toxins from the body that accumulate during and after exercising, so it can speed recovery from workouts by improving circulation and helping to stretch the muscles.

Sports Massage

60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

Designed for highly active people and athletes. Engaging in sports is harsh on the body and can often lead to injuries in both the short and long term. Sports Massage enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping to prevent injury, reduce pain and swelling in the body, relax the mind, increase flexibility, and dramatically improve recovery rates. It is also highly effective in aiding the rapid recovery of an athlete from an injury by encouraging greater kinesthetic awareness, and in turn, promoting the body's natural immune function.

Trigger Point Therapy

60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

A style of bodywork that focuses on stimulating and releasing "trigger points" in your body. Trigger points are tender areas of tension similar to acupressure points, except they occur in the belly of the muscle tissue rather than along the energy pathways of the body. These knots are built up throughout a person's life due to physical, mental, and/or emotional stress. During a session, focused pressure is applied through a variety of techniques in order to release your trigger points. This process can be somewhat painful at times, and multiple treatments may be required, yet the effects can be lasting and profoundly transformative. We use this modality with musicians, artists, computer users, those who have repetitive use issues and endure strain for prolonged periods of time.

Cupping and Massage

60 min - $150 | 90 min - $200

By using a combination of these two effective techniques together she is able to help you achieve maximum benefits in a very short amount of time. 10 minutes of cupping alone is the equivalent of 30 to 45 minutes of just massage and when you put the two together the results only get better.

What can Cupping Therapy help with?
Cupping is beneficial for many issues including: carpel tunnel, sciatica, back pain, frozen shoulder/ rotator cuff, plantar facitis, trigger points, body pain, stress relief, depression, headaches, anxiety, detox, IBS, cellulite, and sports injuries just to name a few.

What should I expect to feel?
Receiving cupping can feel mildly uncomfortable or deeply pleasurable, depending on the individual. People often report that the experience stays with them longer than most treatments, and the speed with which the effects change the tissue is truly amazing. When used in a series of treatments the results are cumulative. Yet even a single treatment, a long term physical issue may be resolved.